Simulation of work schedules

Simulation of work schedules

With the simulation module, you will have a testing environment for scenarios and hypotheses without affecting your actual planning.

This module allows the generation of schedules and shifts to simulate and analyze hypotheses, forecasts, or fictional situations. Therefore, you can have a parallel environment to the real one for analyzing new situations for the company and the workers.

Many times, situations change. It’s necessary to evaluate these changes and make decisions. Therefore, it’s of utmost importance to have the ability to have an environment that allows us to assess these situation both urgently in response to sudden changes and predictively for planned changes Theshift schedule simulator will enable this analysis.

Also, you can read on our blog the post about how to calculate staff schedules.

  • Firstly, simulate schedules based on your real planning.

  • Then, analyze new scenarios to assess staffing needs.

  • Additionally, in simulation, you will work with real datawithout modifying the actual planning.

  • As a result, if the simulation is better than the actual planning, you can directly transform it.

Shift Sachedule Simulation